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1 day ago

Trinity Daily Devotion
PLEASE PASS THE SALT Rev. Kim SheltonMatthew 5:13-14 NIV“You are the Salt of the earth. But if the Salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. "You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden." Culturally, African Americans love salt. Everything tastes better with salt. We like salt in all cooked foods, and even in fresh foods. I have seen it on watermelon, lemons, oranges, tomatoes, salads, and a host of other nutritious items. Truth be told, our food does bud does not taste right unless it has salt. Well, beloved, in our house salt was prohibited, banned, not allowed. Growing up, my siblings and I taste buds never got salty; however, when salt was added to our food, we immediately didn’t like it because it was a strange taste. My mom had hypertension, high blood pressure, or culturally known as "pressure." For most of our lives, salt was not allowed in the house. Imagine having popcorn and chips with no salt. We didn’t hear the words, “please pass the salt”; it was more like, please pass Ms. Dash. SALT has many properties that are used throughout the world. The preserving and healing agents of salt is what Jesus speaks to when he tells the disciples and the crowd that we, us, the crowd are the “salt of the earth”. Jesus is letting us know that how the Good News gets spread is by “Passing the Salt,” sharing the story, or speaking on behalf of the testimonies of Christ. We are the Salt. We are the healing agent to this corrupt and hurting world. Please pass the Salt. We are the ones that can preserve the grace, mercy, and love of Christ. Please pass the Salt. Salt is no good if it stays in the shaker. Shake your healing and preserving gifts on the people in the world. Please pass the Salt. In biblical and ancient times, the Greeks thought it contained something almost divine, and the Romans sometimes paid their soldiers with Salt. The ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans invoked their gods with offerings of Salt and water. Please pass the Salt. In the Hebrew Bible, 35 verses mention salt. From Lot’s wife (Sarah), who was turned into a pillar of Salt when she looked back at the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19:26). The Book of Job contains the first mention of Salt as a condiment. "Can that which is unsavory be eaten without salt?NOBODY LIKES SALT IN THE SHAKER, BUT ALMOST EVERYONE LIKES SALT THAT IS SHAKEN, We are the “Salt of the World”. IT’S TIME TO SHAKE YOUR SALT SHAKER AND SPREAD THE GOOD NEWS OF JESUS TO PEOPLE IN THE DARK PLACES BECAUSE WE MORE THAN JUST SALT; WE ARE LIGHT TOO. SHAKE THEM UP AND LIGHT IT UP!PRAYER:Loving and Giving God, when we feel we are "flavorless"and have no spice to offer your people, remind us that our testimony is the perfect seasoning for the lost ones; remind us that we are the "salt of the world!"THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Be a sprinkle os salt for someone today!

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