Sermonic Film: Otis’ Dream


Otis’ Dream is a short film designed to encourage people to vote and address voter suppression. It tells the story of Otis Moss Sr., who walked over 20 miles in a single day to try and vote but was turned away from 3 polling places because of the color of his skin. 

This is a family story that has been told over generations in the Moss family, and we are humbled and honored to have been asked by the Moss Family to direct this film and help put this story on screen.

The film was marketed in the weeks prior to the election with great success. It screened in over 500 churches across the nation and gained attention from major media outlets, including Joy Reid on MSNBCAngela RyeShaun King and by Oprah on Facebook live as part of her SuperSoul Sunday programming. The film is also now an official SuperSoul short film.

Oprah’s channels alone garnered over 470,000 views and nearly 9,000 comments, inspiring many to #VoteTheDream.

oprah facebook Otis Dream


Behind the Scenes

An incredible team came together to make this film happen!
Full credits listed here.


Zoom Coffee Dates
We love coffee and miss connecting with our creative community. So let’s make the best of it and have a coffee date over Zoom. We’d love to hear what you thought of Otis’ Dream, how you are doing, and chat about ways we can collaborate and create together! Lets do it!


Otis’ Dream is a short film designed to encourage people to vote and address voter suppression. It tells the story of Otis Moss Sr., who walked over 20 miles in a single day to try and vote but was turned away from 3 polling places because of the color of his skin. 

This is a family story that has been told over generations in the Moss family, and we are humbled and honored to have been asked by the Moss Family to direct this film and help put this story on screen.

The film was marketed in the weeks prior to the election with great success. It screened in over 500 churches across the nation and gained attention from major media outlets, including Joy Reid on MSNBCAngela RyeShaun King and by Oprah on Facebook live as part of her SuperSoul Sunday programming. The film is also now an official SuperSoul short film.

Oprah’s channels alone garnered over 470,000 views and nearly 9,000 comments, inspiring many to #VoteTheDream.

oprah facebook Otis Dream


Behind the Scenes

An incredible team came together to make this film happen!
Full credits listed here.


Zoom Coffee Dates
We love coffee and miss connecting with our creative community. So let’s make the best of it and have a coffee date over Zoom. We’d love to hear what you thought of Otis’ Dream, how you are doing, and chat about ways we can collaborate and create together! Lets do it!


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