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They are a nation without sense, there is no discernment in them.
If only they were wise and would understand this and discern what their end will be! Deuteronomy 32:28-29 NIV

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In preparation for this voting season . . .

A call to all churches, mosques, synagogues and other houses of worship to join in a nationwide effort: Turn Out Tuesday.
  • Provide and/or raise the funding for 10 – 100 people to obtain a state I.D. prior to Election Day
  • Host at least one voter registration drive and make sure everyone knows how to get registered
  • Educate the community about early/absentee voting
  • Host a prayer vigil on Monday, November 7th, in anticipation of Election Day
  • Host a sunrise worship service on Election Day
  • Provide transportation from your house of worship to voting facilities
  • VOTE!

Why “Turn Out Tuesday?”

Our democracy is under siege like at no time in recent history. The wealthy are spending huge numbers of dollars to sway elections, often anonymously, through front organizations and superpacs. Businesses funnel money to “issue” pacs to influence our votes. All the while our Supreme Court continues to make rulings that have nothing to do with justice, but everything to do with maintaining the privileged class in America. Now add to this a barrage of voter suppression laws sweeping across the country and it is easy to imagine our hard won rights being taken away even as we watch. This is our time for action.

As much as money can influence an election, the only real power to elect is the VOTE.

Get Involved

Fight Voter Suppression
Once again Americans of color are finding new challenges to exercise our right to vote, only this time they are also looking to exclude elderly voters, hispanics and youth of all colors. We must fight this effort with all of our resources. You are encouraged to raise money to assist those in your community that are facing these new challenges, and to support organizations that are on the front line in the legal battles to stop the proliferation of new voting restrictions.

Raise money to assist those who need new forms of ID to vote and donate to ACLU or NAACP LDF.

Key Voting Information for Illinois Voters
  • Illinois General Primary Election Mar 17, 2020 Early Voting: Mar 2, 2020 – Mar 16, 2020 In-Person Absentee Voting: Not available
  • Voter Registration Deadline Tue Feb 18, 2020 Online by Sat Feb 29, 2020
  • Voter Registration “Grace Period” Wed Feb 19, 2020 thru Election Day ​
  • Election Day Registration & Voting (Call Local Election Office) Tue Mar 17, 2020
  • Deadline to Request an Absentee Ballot: In-Person Request by Mon Mar 16, 2020
  • Deadline to Return Completed Absentee Ballot: Post received by Tue Mar 31, 202

If we aren’t registered we can’t vote. Do your share by holding registration drives at your house of worship and take it into the communities you serve. Also, make sure your congregations know about the early voting and absentee voting deadlines in your areas.

We are asking all participating houses of worship to:
  • Hold prayer vigils the night of March 16th
  • Hold morning worship on March 17th
  • And, provide rides to the polls from their houses of worship on election day
Money can influence, but only VOTES win elections.

Stay Connected

400 W. 95th Street
Chicago, IL 60628
Tel: 773-962-5650

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