Rev. Otis Moss III, Phd

My tastes are eclectic,  I enjoy classic literature, SciFi, comics, theology, and economic theory. This space is a reflection of my thoughts and process. 


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Pastor Otis Moss
Ministry Tool Box

3 Ways Pastors Can Respond to COVID-19

ONLINE GIVING: With the cancelling of worship services, many ministries are forced to ask a crucial follow up question, “how will we raise the funds to meet our operating costs?” Without Sunday worship it is difficult for churches to raise the money we usually receive in Tithes & Offerings. It is hard to predict the full impact that the Coronavirus will have on church budgets. Suggested Tools: ACS, Shelby, Text2Give, Givelify and

POST SERMONS ONLINE: This is an easy one, and most churches are already doing it—which is good because more and more learning is happening online through video or even livestreaming. Even if you just post audio, that’s a win, as podcasting is on the rise. Either way, a lot of people will look to your church website and other communication platforms for your sermon. Maybe they missed the service, want to hear a certain part of the sermon again, or want to use your sermon as a launching pad for small group discussion.When your sermon is available online, you create one more avenue for people to engage with God’s Word. Suggestions: Make sure your solution is safe and avoid ZOOM Video Conferencing.

MAINTAIN FELLOWSHIP: Pastors and Church Leadership are in a prime position to publish photos, short videos, prayer calls and blog articles. With all the studying and teaching they do, You all are finding valuable material all the time that others would love to know. Get your congregation talking. Post a discussion question in your church’s online newsfeed—for example, in social media or your app—and encourage people to weigh in on the comments. Suggestions: Make sure you have the phone numbers and or email addresses of all your Church members. Engage with them in visually creative ways.

Speaking Request Form

If you would like to arrange for Rev. Moss to speak at your church or special event, please contact his Executive Assistant, Mrs. Melody Morgan:
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