Unashamed Media

COVID-19 in Racial and Ethnic Minority Groups

Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on email Email Share on print Print Share on reddit Reddit What Do Coronavirus Racial Disparities really mean In April, New Orleans health officials realized their drive-through testing strategy for the coronavirus wasn’t working. The reason? Census tract data revealed hot spots for the virus were …

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The Southside Pastor and Church who are taking extra steps to ensure its congregation and community…

Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on email Email Share on print Print Share on reddit Reddit We are all appropriating the new way of life caused by this pandemic from working at home (if you are not an essential worker) or not working, homeschooling, and to our spiritual, religious, and mental …

The Southside Pastor and Church who are taking extra steps to ensure its congregation and community… Read More »

Get Home Safely Forum Training

The Get Home Safely presentation and training was developed to  assist organizations that wanted to hold forums in their communities that deal with how to handle law enforcement interactions.  Click Here to download training presentation.

MyLifeMatters (I Can Breathe) Conversation Guide

The #MyLifeMatters Conversation Guide was developed to provide a catalyst for conversation and advice with the youth of our communities. Information has been gathered from a variety of resources ranging from the Northwestern University Law School Legal Aide Clinic, to the ACLU, to a wonderful infographic from David Miller (founder of the Dare to be King Project), …

MyLifeMatters (I Can Breathe) Conversation Guide Read More »

What To Expect When a Loved One is Arrested Forum Training Materials

What to Expect When a Loved One is Arrested is a project with a long gestation period. About 8 years passed from the initial idea, to the final creation. It our goal to have community forums through out Chicagoland, and beyond, so that people will handle a loved one being arrested as efficiently as possible, and bing …

What To Expect When a Loved One is Arrested Forum Training Materials Read More »

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